Express your joy: He is alive
Autor: George Cornici  |  Album: Pelerini printre versuri  |  Tematica: Paște
Resursa adaugata de geocornic in 10/04/2016

Express your joy: He is alive
Say ”Hallelujah” or “Give me five”
Tell everybody He’s not in the grave,
He wants to honor the promise He gave.

Sing the song of victory with no delay
This is the most wonderful holiday
The whole Universe is glorifying the King
His resurrection, changed everything.

Share your happiness with everyone
‘Cause you feel the peace of God’s Son
Let people know about the big sacrifice
Let them know He is, always, nice.

A light can be seen on your face
Express your joy in the working place
It’s a celebration; Christ is not dead
Remember what He did, what He said.

Easter is here; The King is here, too
He knows what you have gone through
His presence is like a healing balm
Given to you with a pierced palm.

Express your joy: He is alive
Tell the truth wherever you arrive
Whom to follow many will know
As life is God’s gift, not a show.

George Cornici
Resurrection celebration, 2016

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